Investing for Eternity. Missions

Change the World with God through Prayer

Look for what God is doing in the world…and become a part of a “team” that is praying for that country, region and or missionary. You can become a part of a team, no matter where you live. Social media gets us anyplace in the world in seconds! We don’t need to be on a “Missions Committee” to do missions ministry! A great encouragement for any of us who are “boomers’ or “Boomers and Beyond” Getting older doesn’t preclude us from prayer ministry!
Bloom Where You Are Planted

Bloom Where You Are Planted

The post discusses the phrase "Bloom Where You Are Planted", influenced by the book Night Light by Terri Blackstock. It reflects on the idea that everyone is put in specific situations and prepared in unique ways for God's purpose, often seen during periods of crisis. The author draws parallels with his experience growing pansies, symbolizing resilience through trying times.
How to Bloom Where You are Planted

How to Bloom Where You are Planted

The posts emphasize the importance of personal growth and service to others through one's abilities, passions, and experiences. The content aims to inspire readers to bloom where they're planted - in their career, neighborhood, and world. The mission is to bring faith, vision, and service together to glorify God. Additionally, it advances global Christian mobilization and neighborhood transformation through poverty alleviation and relationship-building.
Mission and Vision for vision post

Prayer is World Ministry. Not a Prelude to Ministry!

The post encourages individuals to contribute to global missions through prayer, regardless of physical location or age. It suggests leveraging social media to connect with prayer teams worldwide, focusing on specific regions, nations or missionaries. It notes the importance of contributing to God's plan through our unique skills, perspectives, and networks. The post concludes with the anticipation of eternal rewards for such spiritual commitments.
People in the world are still yet to know The True God.

World Travel through prayer

The post emphasizes the power of prayer as a means of participating in global missions without physically traveling. It encourages participation in global prayer groups via social media, irrespective of age or location. The post highlights the role of prayer in supporting missionaries, unreached people groups, and exploring resources like Operation World. It concludes with the impact such spiritual participation can have in eternity.