Let There Be Water

Israel’s Solution For A Water-Starved World.

No decision made by the Zionist pioneers and the young State of Israel has had a greater impact on Israel's water culture than the decision to make water the common property of all. Unlike in the US, where water is a personal property right, in Israel all water ownership and usage is controlled by the government acting in the interest of the people as a whole. Available water is then allocated according to what is seen as the best use. Israel's water system may be the most successful example of socialism in practice anywhere in the world today.
Healing The Wounded Spirit

Healing The Wounded Spirit

The authors begin with exploring our very beginning, coming out of the womb and needing healing. Pregnancy lasts some 9 months and alot happens in and to the family during that time which effect the unborn baby! They start with the subject of adoption, but everything they write about applies to all of us, adopted or not. The book analyses incarnational Wounds and Sins such as Utero Encounters, wounds from feeling rejected, and Anorexia, Dyslexiia and child abuse. It goes on to explore Sicknesses and Sinful Conditions of the Spirit, such as Depression and Spiritual Imprisonment. Then on to Spiritual Sins, such as Occult Involvement, Spiritual Adultery and Idolatry. In conclusion, it deals with Things Which Impinge Upon and Wound Our Spirits, such as Generational Sin, Grief, Frustration and loss and Dwelling Within a Sinful Group.