Perspectives on the World Christian Movement: 2023

Perspectives On The World Christian Movement Reader
Perspectives On The World Christian Movement. Reader and Study Guide

Still time to drop in to a class and see what it is like! What is God up to? Can I join Him in what He is doing around the world? Is it even possible?

Perspectives on the World Christian Movement. God has a “world-sized” role for every Christian in His global purpose. Whether people go to distant countries or stay at home is a secondary issue. The primary issue is what most people are hungry to discover: Vision to live a life of purpose. Discovering that vision makes this course valuable, and perhaps crucial, for any Christian.

What it is and why I should be curious enough to click further!

Perspectives is a Movement.
Perspectives is a global movement that is awakening the Body of Christ to pursue the fulfillment of God’s global purpose within every people group for His glory.

God has a unique role for each Christian in His global purpose of evangelizing the nations and you have an integral role to play in that story, and He delights when His people respond to His invitation to be a blessing to all peoples of the eat t

15 weekly classes of 3 hours each.

Different instructors from around the country come to teach the class, depending on their areas of expertise and experience.

Lesson Summaries Covering Biblical, History, Culture and Strategy

Check out the map, find your state and see classes and instructors!

If you don’t need a certificate or college credit, you can “audit” the class and do as much homework or reading as you wish. Great speakers. Once you are registered, you can attend future classes free for life! The first one or two classes are free. What a deal! I have occasionally attended classes of interest the past 17 years!

In a future post, I will high lite some of the instructors and the organizations they are a part of.

Just one of the instructors: Paul Borthwick from Development Associates Int’l

Finding a place in your community where you can be a part of a group to help spread Gods love throughout the whole world.

People in the world are still yet to know The True God.

In one of the classes we will hear about “Unreached People Groups”.

Really? What is this all about? Why is it important?

Still not convinced? I can only imagine!

In conclusion, What you could/can do now! You can pray about what you have just read, share this post with your Pastor(s) and leadership of your church with the social media buttons below! A no risk option! Register for class now! No cost! Remember first class is free!

Book for the class: Part of course fee.

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