Ask God To Order Your Steps Today!

Footsteps in sidewalk crate
Footsteps in sidewalk crate in Calgary, Alberta

“Father, order my steps, guide my way and direct me to Your appointments and Your opportunities for this day. Make my way a prepared way; make my words wise words, make my responses loving responses. I ask that You would open the doors that need to be opened.

May those I speak to have open hearts to receive the words that Your Holy Spirit gives me to say. May they be timely words, spoken in due season, to meet the needs of those who hear I pray for opportunities that will allow me to speak Your truth, Your light, and Your wisdom with clarity and unction.

Give me favor where favor is needed grace where grace is needed, and boldness where boldness is needed to declare Your great love to needy hearts.”

From His Footsteps, My Pathway, by Roy Lessin. A one minute devotion on September 10. A Prayer for Opportunity. “Meanwhile praying also for us, that God would open to us a door for the word.” Colossians 4:3 NKIV

Randy Alcorn states: “He makes it clear that our vision is faulty. We need His help to see our life through different eyes—eyes focused on the eternal. Physical vision is used here as a metaphor for spiritual vision, or perspective—the way we look at life.”

Randy further states, “As believers in Christ, our theology gives us perspective. It tells us that this life is the preface—not the book. It’s the preliminaries—not the main event. It’s the tune-up—not the concert.”


It’s going to be a great day!

Looking for Peace on your journey?

One of my favorite Bible verses: Trust in the

Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
    and he will make your paths straight.

Proverbs 3:5-6

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