On our journey with Jesus

Circles of Joy:

Let’s apply the concepts of “Good to Great” to our Christian lives. In our journey of life with Jesus, let’s explore the depth of our faith in God as we keep our eyes focused on Jesus. As we follow Him we want to hear the Holy Spirit’s voice and pray for and discern God’s vision for our lives.

When we stand before Jesus someday, we want to hear “Well done, good and faithful servant,” right? To reach that goal, there are many interactions we can explore. We might call them “circles” if that is helpful to you.

Future “posts” will explore God’s Word and its application in our lives. We will also hear from some of my friends who will tell their stories of how God used their faith and the vision God gave them which resulted in their service or ministry which brought God glory!

The first circle we can all think about is The Holy Trinity, i.e. the relationship among God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

So it is also with other triad relationships, but we know that there is a connection. When they work together well, something marvelous, mysterious and God-honoring happens.

So as believers we can see the relationship or each Person of the Trinity in our lives, both in the past and the present (and hopefully how they interconnect). It is often not that hard to “connect the dots” so to speak between our past and our present.

We can pray about and perhaps speculate as to how the Persons of the Trinity will work in our lives in the future.

If you are journaling or keeping a diary, that will help you as you go back to see the Lord’s work in your life as well as in your family, neighborhood, volunteer work and career. But even if you haven’t, you can prayerfully think back. The Bible encourages us to “remember.” If you are supporting and praying for missionaries, you may be able to see His past work even around the world through you.

Our Past

We can also explore and document how the Lord specifically has used us in ways we didn’t even realize at the time. Think about your relationship with Jesus through the years, and how He was present in your relationships with others

The Author of Originality

As Roy Lessin says in his June 1 devotional “The Author of Originality”: In his book: His Footsteps My Pathway

“God is the God of new beginnings. He does new things and is writing a new story in the life of each one who trusts  Him and walks before Him in faith and obedience. God has something new for you each day.

“He may lead you down a new pathway, walk you through a new door of opportunity, open up a new insight into His Word, reveal a new aspect of His Kingdom, bless you with a new relationship, or send a  new river of joy into a dry, desert place in your life.”

We had dreams when we were younger — what we wanted to happen in the future. We had dreams, goals and visions.

Over the course of time some or maybe most of those dreams may  have died.

Why is that?

Perhaps you had a great idea but it required a lot of work, and for various reasons you never invested the time and energy. Maybe you didn’t have passion for it. Maybe you didn’t even have the Lord in your life at that time.

And the dream or vision died.  Some of us can maybe recall the Resurrection of a Vision!

Are you sensing that the Holy Spirit may be leading you down a new path?

The Journey

In conclusion, there are a few things you may want to contemplate this week. Start with meditating on Time, Talent and Treasure in your life. How have you used them in the past? How are you using them now? What do you hope to use them for down the road?

How are the three words above connected or interrelated?

Is the Holy Spirit nudging you in any of these areas?

Is your faith in God increasing?

If so, write down what He’s saying to you.  Use whatever works best for you:

Yellow legal pad




Computer or Computer Tablet

Each of us has something God wants us to do, and we each have stories to tell.

Please share your thoughts on this post!