Good to Great in God’s Kingdom.

Good to Great Concepts applied to our Christian walk. S.H.A.P.E along with Prayer
Volunteer Presentation at a Red Cross Conference. Finding the right "volunteers". Showing interaction of Need, Passion & Resources. S.H.A.P.E. and showing multiple "Resources"

Jesus , His Vision for our ministry and the world and what it means to be Good to Great in God’s kingdom! That is what we are going to talk about! I was Intrigued and inspired by the book: Good to Great by Tim Collins and his 3 circles …and then Tim Collins applying these principles to the non profit or social sector…again with another 3 circle concept in his book, Good To Great and the Social Sectors…I then had the vision to make a new triad circle:  Need, Passion, Resources… with a Christian context: Seeing a Need and a person with a Passion…and the Lord providing the “Resources” if it is a real vision and not just another one of our great ideas…as Andy Stanley says in his book Visioneering: God’s Blueprint For Developing and Maintaining Vision.

Need, Passion and Vision

We will be analyzing what it means to be good to great in God’s kingdom in upcoming posts.

Applying Good to Great Concepts to our Christian life!

With these concepts and ideas in mind, thinking of our journey of life …exploring the depth  of our faith in God, keeping our eyes focused on Jesus as we follow Him, hearing the Holy Spirit’s voice and praying for and discerning God’s vision for each area of our lives… I thought of other “circles” or combinations of words and interactions to explore so that when we stand before Jesus someday…we will  hear, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” Future “posts” will explore God’s word and it’s application in our lives. We will also hear from some of my friends who will tell their stories of how God used their faith and the vision of himself that resulted in service or ministry.

Picture on top of page

The picture is part of a powerpoint presentation I did at an American Red Cross Conference some 5 years ago at a breakout session on “Finding the best volunteers for our work.” It shows the process of using S.H.A.P.E and combining it with my modified concepts from Good To Great in a Christian context. lives. Your S.H.A.P.E refers to your Spiritual Gifts, your Heart of Passion, Abilities, Personality and Experiences. Further “posts” will go over in detail on how each of us can apply these concepts to our individual lives.

Boomers and Boomers and Beyond

Applying the concepts mentioned to our lives As “Boomers “and “Boomers and and Beyond” and also along with Millennials…providing “resources” …on our  journey as we explore relationships and the intersection of the 3  “circles of Life” …”bringing every thought captive” to bring new insights as we find practical ways to embody the love of Jesus in our neighborhood, city and world. and showing examples of how people have “made a difference in the world”!

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”
Proverbs 3:3-6  English Standard Version (ESV)

We all from Millennials to Boomers and Beyond have a desire to “make a difference” in the world”…

As Zig Ziglar says  “The trail is long, and we won’t arrive at our destination in this life. Still, we’re on the journey with Jesus for the greatest thrill of our lives.

In conclusion, we hope you have a desire to explore more of what it means to be Good to Great in God’s kingdom.

Won’t it be good to hear some day, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”?

It takes a “Team” to accomplish much.

Join us in the journey!

You are unique in God’s Kingdom.

“God has created each of us with a unique contribution to make in our world and our times. No other person has our same abilities, motivations, network of friends and relationships, perspectives, ideas, or experiences. When we, like misplaced puzzle pieces, fail to show up, the overall picture is diminished.”   Richard Stearns: President of World Vision U.S.
Quote from his book: The Hole in our Gospel 

Putting the pieces of the puzzle together! Life can be puzzling. Having the right pieces in the right order, makes a great picture.

Nothing of any eternal significance gets accomplished without prayer!

Beginning the Journey

In conclusion, a few things to contemplate this week!

Start with meditating on the concepts of Time, Talent and Treasure in your life.

Your past, present and your future.

Where have you been?

How are these three words connected or interrelated?

Spend some time this week in prayer and thought about this.

Think about some scripture that you may have hi lighted in your Bible.

What is the Lord speaking to you this week?

After reviewing about page, what is the Holy Spirit impressing upon you at this point?