God’s story in your life

God’s story in your life

God’s story in our life! We all have a story of our journey with Jesus! Frederick Buechner in his book Now And Then, “There is something more than a little disconcerting about writing your autobiography.” “But I do it anyway. I do it because it seems that no matter who you are, and no matter how eloquent or otherwise, if you tell your own story with sufficient candor and concreteness, it will be an interesting story and in some sense a universal story. I do it in the hope of encouraging others to do the same-at least to look back over their own lives, as I have looked back over mine, for certain themes and patterns and signals that are so easy to miss when you’re caught up in the process of living them. If god speaks to us at all other than through such official channels as the Bible and the church, then I think that he speaks to us largely through what happens to us, so what I have done both in this book and in its predecessor is to listen back over what has happened to me-as I hope my readers may be moved to listen back over what has happened to them-for the sound, above all else, of his voice.”

How God speaks in our life

Buechner goes on to say that God so often speaks to us in the events of our lives, the books and movies we see, and all the relationships we have. He may be speaking softly and we need ears to hear. We need to look back and see where He has spoken to us in the past, however so faintly. We need to look for key moments in our lives. Buechner further states that whether we call on him in prayer or not, He is with us. Buechner states that “If we really had our eyes open, we would see that all moments are key moments. That he who does not love remains in death. That Jesus is the Word made flesh who dwells among us full of grace and truth. On good days I might add a few more to the list. On bad days, it’s possible there might be a few less.”

Life is short

“Show me, O LORD, my life’s end and the number of my days; let me know how fleetin is my life. You have made my days a mere handbreadth; the span of my years is as nothing before you. Each man’s life is but a breath Psalm 39: 4-5 (NIV)

Who should our story be for?

Our children and grandchilden. In 50 years no one will remember us.

All our pictures we’ve saved. Have we made them digital?

Start with a blog. Simple to do. You can make it public or private. Easy to edit.

Time to start writing your story!

God’s story in your life!

We can start writing our story in a short article, maybe 300-900 words, showing and telling how God has used our faith, given us a vision that resulted in some type of service or ministry.

God’s story in your life!

Sometimes we have writers block: hard to start. Take a look at the triad circles below as a start. They may give you a clue as to how to start your story.

Start writing God’s story in your life!

You might start with just a short story of an event in your life or a time span of 5-10 years.

Here is what I did. The first 30 years of my life.

Then Reflecting on my early childhood.

Nick Lovegrove in his book The Mosaic Principle quotes Arnold Bennett from his book How to Live on Twenty Four Hours a Day. “There is no object that is served in waiting till next week, or even till tomorrow. You may fancy that the water will be warmer next week It won’t. It will be colder.”

Remember, you are special and unique!

So start now. Yellow legal pad, a slip of paper, a few lines on your laptop.

Start now, especially if you are a boomer or a boomer and beyond. Life is short.

Our children and especially our gandchildren, if you have any, need to hear our story while we are still here on this earth.

Give your lifestory a title.

You might even take a further step and start a google Blog! It simple, easy to do and free.

Take the first step.

Also, you might even leave a comment on the bottom of this post letting me know that you took the first step!

Still stuck and need some time to reflect? How has God worked in your life in regard to some personal relationships?

Reflecting on Forgiveness

Blessings on your journey!

History of a vision

How has God worked in your life in the past? How is He working now?

Life of a Vision

Boomers and Boomers and Beyond A good example of a Boomer and Beyond

Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words!

Maybe it’s time to start praying and asking the LORD for a new vision for your life!