Missions in the age of the Corona Virus

Missions Frontier July-August 2020
Missions Frontier magazine. July- August 2020

I came across this article from the Current issue of Missions Frontiers-July-August 2020 by author Rick Wood on the topic of Missions in the age of the coronavirus. It caught my attention as I continue to read about how the virus is changing our lives in some dramatic ways and how the Church is doing missions in new ways.

A quote from the current issue of Missions Frontiers-July-August 2020

Missions in the age of the coronavirus.

In this issue we observe how COVID-19 is leaving its impact on outreaches across the globe. As this virus is changing our lives in dramatic ways, it is also changing the way we go about doing missions—which is what this issue is all about. How do we reach people and make disciples while wearing masks and practicing social distancing? We take a fascinating look at how the Church has responded to pandemics throughout history and review ways that we can respond biblically as Christ followers. We take you on a journey to see how some movements around the world are using the pandemic to reach people for Jesus. You will be called to action when you read how God’s people move directly into suffering—despite the circumstances surrounding them. You don’t want to miss this issue!

Many good articles in their current magazine..

What do we do now? Examples and ideas of what individual Christians can do now

What Do We Do Now?
Article by Rick Wood, Editor of Mission Frontiers

Unless you were around when the 1918 Spanish Flu hit the world, leading to at least 50 million deaths, none of us have experienced anything like what we have been going through with the coronavirus crisis. It has affected all of us to one degree or another. As I write in late May, many countries and various U.S. states are lifting lockdown orders and people are learning how to do business in new ways while living with the virus. The lockdowns have not succeeded in eliminating the virus, just slowing its spread long enough for hospitals and governments to cope with its impact. As a result, those most vulnerable to the virus will have to continue taking extraordinary precautions to protect themselves while the virus continues its gradual spread through the broader society until “herd immunity” is achieved or a vaccine is developed.

Many of us Boomers wonder what we can do in this unprecedented time. A good Guest Writer article regarding Easter and this time

Global Status of Covid-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic is generally accepted to have begun in Wuhan, China. Through the power of exponential growth coupled with international travel, the virus quickly spread to touch nearly every country in the world, saturating several. No individual nation’s response has fully conquered the virus. As of May 6, over 3.5 million cases and 250,000 deaths are attributed to the pandemic, and this is certainly a vast undercount. Because it is a novel or “new” virus, there is no vaccine. There are currently no known, confirmed cures for the virus.https://www.missionfrontiers.org/issue/article/global-status-of-covid-19-pandemic

Where we can find hope!

An article by one of our Guest Writers, Lauri Thompson. Our hope

How do we stay connected with people at this time of the Coronavirus? We all face challenges, depending on where we live.

On our journey with Jesus at this time.

Boomers and Boomers and Beyond. What can we do at this time?

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1 Comment

  1. Richard Dassow

    Thanks for the commnent. You may want to pass it on to your friends.

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