When the time is right, I the lord will make it happen. Isaiah 60:22

Facing a New Year Dealing With Grief?

Facing a new year as the year draws to a close, we all have unique experiences to reflect on…the tiny steps of faith or maybe even some dramatic leaps of faith and adventure! Some of us have experienced some type of grief in our lives this past year. I have. Loss of a loved one, whether a spouse, parent, friend or.....and we ask, "Where do I go from here?" Sooner or later each of use will experience grief. It is different for each of us. A good support group is Griefshare. At GriefShare you’ll receive valuable guidance and tips, leading you to relief, comfort, and peace of mind.
Celebrating the Life and Legacy of Naomi Dassow

Celebrating the Life and Legacy of Naomi Dassow

The content reflects heartfelt tributes and memories shared by friends and family of Naomi, highlighting her kindness, hospitality, and spiritual influence over the years. Various individuals recount personal experiences that showcase her role as a steadfast friend and mentor, deeply impacting their lives. The sentiments expressed emphasize gratitude for the connections formed through shared faith and the joy Naomi brought to those around her, underscoring the profound nature of their relationships.
The Power of Vision

It’s Tuesday Morning…and Some of Us Are Off To Work.

The post discusses the search for purpose and passion in life, emphasizing that following one's true calling, aligned with God's intent, brings fulfillment and peace. It highlights the importance of using one's unique gifts in serving others and living out one's faith through their work and life’s mission.
Celebrate Jesus as a Boomer

Boomers. Celebrate All Year!

The post encourages 'Boomers' to reflect on the significance of Christmas and Jesus' teachings in their lives. It highlights their unique purpose in advancing God’s kingdom through practical actions. Sharing wisdom from inspirational figures, books and personal insights, it urges Boomers to embrace aging, maintain spiritual resilience, share their experiences, and serve their community, emphasizing that everyone's journey can "make a difference."
The Power of Vision

It’s Tuesday Morning…and Some of Us Are Off To Work.

“What are we daring to attempt which could not be accomplished without His strength and intervention? So often we plan our lives around what we could do without Him on our own.  A sure sign that we are in communion with the Lord is that we are attempting what only He can do? Can you identify that in your life?”
The Power of Vision

It’s Tuesday Morning…and Some of Us Are Off To Work.

“What are we daring to attempt which could not be accomplished without His strength and intervention? So often we plan our lives around what we could do without Him on our own.  A sure sign that we are in communion with the Lord is that we are attempting what only He can do? Can you identify that in your life?”
The Alpha Course Manual

Exploring Life Questions In A Safe Inviting Environment

Happy Thanksgiving to my U.S.A viewers. Thankful that there are creative ways to share the "Good News" !Alpha is a series of sessions exploring the Christian faith. Each talk looks at a different question around faith and is designed to create conversation. Alpha is run all around the globe, and everyone’s welcome. It runs online, in cafés, churches, universities, homes—you name it. No two Alphas look the same, but generally they have three key things in common: hospitality, a talk and good conversation.
View of my favorite books on Prayer

Boomers and Boomers and Beyond. You are Special !

As “Boomers “and “Boomers and and Beyond” and also along with Millennials…providing “resources” …on our  journey as we explore relationships, interrelationships, and intersection of the 3 “circles of Life” …”bringing every thought captive” to bring new insights as we find practical ways to embody the love of Jesus in our neighborhood, city and world. and showing examples of how people have “made a difference in the world”!
Jesus, the reason for the season

Jesus is the Reason For This Season

"Nineteen wide centuries have come and gone and today He is the center-piece of the human race and the leader of the column of progress. I am far within the mark when I say that all the armies that ever marched and all the navies that ever were built, and all of the parliaments that ever have sat, and all the kings that ever reigned put together have not affected the life of man upon this earth as powerfully as has that one solitary life, Jesus of Nazareth." Jesus and the Intellectual. By Dr. Bill Bright "In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things , and through whom he made the universe."
View of my favorite books on Prayer

Boomers and Boomers and Beyond. Special people!

The content discusses the spiritual journey of Baby Boomers and Millennials, illustrating ways to live out the love of Jesus in their community and beyond. Notably highlighted is the book, Improving with Age, emphasizing God’s purpose and meaningful tasks for those in their later years. It additionally offers an array of resources including interviews, blog posts, and prayer aids for navigating life's challenges. It encourages periodic reflection on personal life mission and vision.