Boomers and Boomers and Beyond. You are Special !

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Boomers: Time for reflection.

As Tony Evans states in his book, Called for a Purpose,

You exist for God. You are His special creation. He formed you and He made you because He loves you. You have a reason to get up every morning: to fulfill the purpose god has for your life. And it is a great purpose, a wonderful purpose. In fact, God tells you in Jeremiah 29:11 that He has a good plan for you when you seek Him and His will for your life. You’ve heard it before, but let this sink in: God has a good plan for you.

The God who created you for Himself has never made a mistake. His plan for you has no failures or flaws. Yes, you will have to endure trials, but they will work together for good if you love god, draw near to God…experience God.


Tony Evans. Called for a Purpose

We all from Millennials to Boomers  have a desire to “make a difference” in the world”…As Boomers and Boomers and beyond, we still have time. It is never to late,

As Zig Ziglar says  “The trail is long, and we won’t arrive at our destination in this life. Still, we’re on the journey with Jesus for the greatest thrill of our lives.

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“Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”
Proverbs 3:3-6  English Standard Version (ESV)

It takes a “Team” to accomplish much.

Join us in the journey!

Interview of Pastor Stuart Briscoe: His new book:

Praise For Improving With Age

God has numbered our days and we’re still here because His purpose for us is not finished (Eph2:10). Stuart and Jill’s book Improving with Age will not only help you make the most of what’s left, it will make you want to hear God’s words, ‘Well done, My good and faithful servant.’ -Kay Arthur. Cofounder Precept Ministries International. Author teacher…and great admirer of Stuart and Jill.

Improving with Age is a timely reminder that those of us who are growing older are desperately needed in our families, our churches and society at large. Those w ho are retired from their vocations must realize that God has a future for them, not just in heaven but also on earth, even as they anticipate the challenges of old age…I hope many thousands read these pages and find that old age can be welcomed, knowing that God has meaningful tasks for us to do- Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer. Senior Pastor of The Moody Church, Chicago.

A few quotes from Improving With Age. God’s Plan for Getting Older and Better.

We must not fail to encourage and equip our aging saints to invest their mature years in vigorous ministries reaching out to their contemporaries who, after all, are the ones closest to eternity!

The church may have put old folks out to grass, but God hasn’t! Graze where you’re parked; bloom where you’re planted; play the hand you’re dealt.

A few personal notes from Jill

Call a Christian friend to talk

Take a walk outside in God’s creation and worship Him.

Listen to some worship music

Ask God to give you a waking thought each morning.

Do you know of someone who is sick in the hospital or worried about his or her health or about aging? Perhaps sending that person a card with a summary of your thoughts about renewal would encourage him or her.

Amy Hanson on “Baby Boomers and Beyond

Amy Hanson, nationally-known speaker and author of the book Baby Boomers and Beyond: Tapping the Ministry Talents and Passions of Adults over 50. Continue reading Amy Hanson on “Baby Boomers and Beyond”Denver Institute for Faith & Work

Prayer Resources for our journey!

Be sure to check out our Categories on our Blog page for other Resource posts!

May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word. 2 Thessalonians 2;16-17

In Conclusion: Let us know of any special “Resources” you would like to share!