How to get Encouragement and Wisdom from God

His Footsteps My Pathway. Gods word
His Footsteps My Pathway God wisdom

“For whoever does the will of God is My brother and My sister and mother” Mark 3:15 NKJV

From His Footsteps My Pathway . One-Minute Devotions by Roy Lessin

Live as Jesus Lived. May 18

The will of God will always draw you close to the heart of Jesus, to the vision of Jesus, to the passion of Jesus, to the plans of Jesus, to the ministry of Jesus, to the words of Jesus, and to the ways of Jesus.

The will of God for your life will always bring you into a close and intimate relationship with Jesus, a sweet and tender walk with Jesus, and an enriching and enduring companionship with Jesus. To live in complete abandonment to the will of god for your life is to live as Jesus lived.

Doing the will of God means daily embracing the Father’s will with all your heart, just as Jesus daily embraced the will of His Father with all of His heart.

Serve by Doing God’s will. May 19

“David, after he had served his own generation by the will of god, fell asleep, was buried with his fathers, and saw corruption.” Act 13:35 NKJV

There can be no greater way to live your life than to serve your generation by doing the will of god. God has brought you into this world, at this time, for that very purpose.

God has a specific plan and purpose for your life that only He could create and only He can fulfill. When your life is yielded into His protective hands, nothing can defeat, destroy, or rob you of His will and plan. His will and calling on your life is a holy thing.

He will guard you, protect you, care for you, defend you, and keep you until you have fully finished the course and completed the race that He has set before you.

The Perfect Path for Your Life August 29

“Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.” Matthew 6:13 NKJV

Why has God placed your feet upon the pathway that you are now walking? Why has He sent others on pathways that appear to be brighter, easier, or more glamorous than yours? The truth is God has you on the perfect path for your life. There is a God-ordained purpose for each step you take. His purpose is to lead your life on a course that will most glorify Him. Here is a prayer that you can bring to God whenever you wonder what it is that He would have you do.

“Father, please show me, as I walk with You today, what words I should speak what choices I should make, and what attitudes I should carry that will most please You and make Your heart glad. Amen.”

In Conclusion,

”The Lord created each of us individually with different Spiritual Gifts, Passions, Abilities, Strengths and a unique Personality with different Experiences.  Helping each other put the pieces of the seeming puzzle together so we each can be most effective in our families, church, community and the world and finish our lives well and leave a legacy that gives glory to the LORD so when we stand before Him one day, we will hear, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.”

●Isn’t that what we would like to hear one day?

”God has created each of us with a unique contribution to make in our world and our times. No other person has our same abilities, motivations, network of friends and relationships, perspectives, ideas, or experiences. When we, like misplaced puzzle pieces, fail to show up, the overall picture is diminished.”   Richard Stearns: President of World Vision U.S.
Quote from his book: The Hole in our Gospel 

Read a good book recently, Night Light by Terri Blackstock.

“I realized, as all that was  happening before my eyes, that this was what I wanted to convey in this series. That each of us is put in place for a particular time in particular circumstances and prepared in a particular way, not knowing what God will need us for. Some of us have experienced tragedies and crises with no answers from God about why he would drag us through such pain, only  to find that it qualified us uniquely to do some mighty work of God when the time of someone elses’s crisis came. And that’s how the body of Christ works.”

Similar one minute devotions are available from publisher of His Footsteps My Pathway

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How to find Peace with God!

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On our journey with Jesus(Opens in a new browser tab)

In conclusion:

The Journey of Life:  To Be God’s people…”Embodying the love of Jesus Christ in the city and the world”!

The trail is long, and we won’t arrive at our destination in this life.  Still we’re on the journey with Jesus for the greatest thrill of our lives.” Zig Ziglar

Always remember who and what you are!

You are Special and Unique(Opens in a new browser tab)