Special young ladies from the Baja. Foundation For His Ministry

Foundation For His Ministry. Transforming Communities in Mexico

Foundation For His Ministry (FFHM) began in 1966 when Charla Pereau and others envisioned a home for children in Baja, Mexico. Over the years, FFHM extended its mission to Oaxaca, impacting communities through outreach and vocational projects. Volunteers who participated, including the narrator's family, experienced transformative changes, embodying Matthew 25:40's essence of serving others.
He Restsores My Soul

What’s Your Focus This Year?

As we focus on the eternal rather than the temporary, finding life to the fullest through Jesus, and praising Christ as the creator and sustainer of all things. the promises of God's Word and the restorative love of Jesus, are realized in our lives and we praise His greatness.