What’s happening South of the Border!

Special young ladies from the Baja. Foundation For His Ministry
Young children at Foundation For His Ministry in the Baja

What started out over 60 years ago when Charla Pereau received a letter saying, “Would you consider adopting a yet-to-be-born Zapotec Indian baby from Oaxaca, Mexico and Chuck and Charla’s trip down the Baja Peninsula, and receiving a vision from the Lord which led to acquiring a run down deserted brothel which led to the establishment of a ministry of evangelism, discipleship and mercy ministry to thousands of destitute, migrant Oaxcan Indians who labor in the fields around the updated facility in Colonia Vicente Guerrero.

Charla’s Children. Her story in print.

At that time, thousands, yes, over 40,000 Oaxacans from the mountains were trucked, yes, trucked to the Vicente Guerrea area of the Baja to work in the Tomato fields, planting and harvesting tomatos that were shipped to the U.S.

As a result of the ministry, one of the largest tomato growers became a Christian and greatly improved the living conditions of his workers!

He also was instrumental in starting a church on the property and also helping start several satellite church in the valley.

That is history.

A Personal Note from Charla Pereau, Founder of Foundation For His Ministry

“In 1966 we made our unforgettable trip to the then remote desert of the Baja Peninsula. There, in the dark of night, we came upon some old uninhabited adobe ruins. We heard the voices of little children where there were  no children. God gave us a vision of a home for children, a great harvest of souls for the kingdom of God, or and a Bible institute like the one I attended as a young woman.”

Vision of the ministry What is happening now!

The Four Mission Sites

Foundation For His Ministry

Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.

— Matthew 25:40

We have visited this ministry both in the Baja and in Oaxaca on short term mission trips…starting some 36 years ago. As Charla says, “You will never be the same.”‘

A short video highlighting the vision and start of the ministry and what has resulted from Charla’s vision!

Our trip to the Oaxaca mission site Ian and Elaine Croft. Hosts at our March 2005 visit. Ian was Construction Manager.

Ian and Elaine Croft
Ian and Elaine Croft

Foundation For His Ministry

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