Stuart Briscoe and words of wisdom and encouragement for Boomers…and Beyond. Pure Joy!
God has numbered our days and we’re still here because His purpose for us is not finished (Eph2:10). Stuart and Jill’s book Improving with Age will not only help you make the most of what’s left, it will make you want to hear God’s words, ‘Well done, My good and faithful servant.’ -Kay Arthur. Cofounder Precept Ministries International. Author teacher…and great admirer of Stuart and Jill.
We are improving with age…and the best is yet to come!
Interview of Pastor Stuart Briscoe: His new book: Improving with Age.
Bloom where you are planted. Pastor Briscoe states, “The church may have put old folks out to grass, but God hasn’t! Graze where you’re parked: bloom where you’re planted: play the hand you’re dealt.”
Praise For Improving With Age
Improving with Age is a timely reminder that those of us who are growing older are desperately needed in our families, our churches and society at large. Those w ho are retired from their vocations must realize that God has a future for them, not just in heaven but also on earth, even as they anticipate the challenges of old age…I hope many thousands read these pages and find that old age can be welcomed, knowing that God has meaningful tasks for us to do- Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer. Senior Pastor of The Moody Church, Chicago.
A few quotes from Improving With Age. God’s Plan for Getting Older and Better. Stuart Briscoe says it well!
We must not fail to encourage and equip our aging saints to invest their mature years in vigorous ministries reaching out to their contemporaries who, after all, are the ones closest to eternity!
The church may have put old folks out to grass, but God hasn’t! Graze where you’re parked; bloom where you’re planted; play the hand you’re dealt.
“For a person to be truly happy, you must have sources of gladness that are not dependent on anything in this world.” – J.C. Ryle
Hopefully, we have all learned this earlier in life before we got to be “Boomers”
How can we apply this wisdom to our lives
If you are not a “boomer” but have found this topic interesting, why not forward to your parents or grandparents? See Links below!
More Wisdom from Stuart Briscoe
If we have children or grandchildren.
We are all getting older! Preparing for our last days.
Sooner or later, we all lose a loved one and need to deal with our grief! Get some help before it happens!
Some personal reflections.
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This sounds like a great book. As one of the “sandwich” generation, I’m very curious about what Stuart and Jill have to offer.