Sexual abuse: God heals.

Good people suffer but Jesus restores their soul.
Jesus restores my soul

Child sexual abuse is an issue that makes people extremely uncomfortable, because it hurts to think about anyone harming children. However, unreported or untreated child sexual abuse not only scars children and destroys families, it also leaves offenders free to abuse and cripple future generations.

It’s very likely that someone in your extended family, even going back several generations has had some experience in this area. Before clicking off, please read on and view the short video below.

Three ladies from our previous church: Tolu, Kelly, and Joan discuss on their Y Tube podcast how sexual abuse and trauma can effect the everyday and how to stay grounded through it.

You can check out their Linkedin profiles also.

Please send to your friends and family! Maybe you know someone who could benefit by this message! Sharing buttons at end of post!

Check the internet for Christian groups that offer help for anyone sexually abused. Christian ministries offering sexual abuse help AND your location.

Healing the wounded spirit

Blessings. Richard

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