Books with resources of prayer, forgiveness and wisdom for living a life for Christ
Plan for using your Spiritual Gifts in the Church

Resources for all age groups!

Sooner or later, we all lose a loved one and need to deal with our grief! Get some help before it happens!

Some personal reflections.

Whether you are a boomer or approaching this age group, there are resources of Prayer, Worship, Wisdom, Forgiveness, and Life Mission and Vision for your life.

Our hope and prayer is that someone finds a nuggets of truth or insight that changes their life.


There are many categories to assist you on your journey. Check out what is most relevant and interesting to you at this time. For example, if you are a “Boomer”, start with that category, although the content of the site is relevant to all age groups.

We plan to have a weekly post “Thought for the Week” that you can register for to get an automatic email notification when the post is ready for viewing. The goal is to give you “action steps” that you can tailor to your need, goals and vision you feel the LORD is impressing upon you, that you can pursue during the week. As the “posts” accumulate over time, you can start with any one of them or search by “category”.

Our website/blog is not to take the place of your church resources or any current devotionals you may be using, but a individualized plan of action that you can take and do…as much or little as you choose.

In the meantime a good Resource is my three Blogsthat I have made and updated over the past 10 years.

The “Resources” we will be giving you are not another duplication of what is already out there in cyberspace and what you may already know, but up to date “nuggets” of information that you can easily tailor and apply to your individual need(s) at this time in your life.

Prayer Resources

Five Ways to Pray During a Crisis.

Lost a loved one? In a season of Grief

Forgiveness Resources

 Forgiveness is the great evidence that we have become new creatures in Christ and that the Spirit of Christ lives within us. 

As Eugene H. Peterson says in The Message: Matthew 6: “In prayer there is a connection between what God does and what you do. You can’t get forgiveness from God, for instance, without also forgiving others. If you refuse to do your part, you cut yourself off from God’s part.” 

“To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover the prisoner was you.” -Corrie ten Boom

  • Personal Reflection
  • Sometimes we think we have already dealt with a person or an issue, yet it comes creeping back into our hearts. That’s because there can be layers of unforgiveness, especially if the offense was severe or happened over a long period of time.
  • Sometimes we may hold unforgiveness, bitterness and even resentment in our hearts towards a person. We may even hold some bitterness toward God for allowing some things to happen in our lives. 

Prayer  Resources

Heavenly Father, I ask that You heal now the wounded places in my (our) soul(s). Heal my memory of those offenses so that I can look back on them realistically, knowing that they were hurtful but also knowing that You Lord, have healed the hurt. And use those experiences for the healing of others that I have come in contact with. 

Just as we can have a relationship with God, through Jesus Christ and with each other…We can communicate our love  and needs to Him and also to other…but in the process we have a tendency to mess up. But again, we can ask God for forgiveness…and as He has made His forgiveness available to us, we then also need to forgive each other.

Experiencing a lack of joy in your life?

Alot of times…when there is a lack of joy in our lives and we have forgiven others and ourselves…we might forget to forgive our parents for real or imaginary hurts. Perception is real. 

“Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and clearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the LORD forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.”  Romans 3:12-14

S.I McMillen in his book None of These Diseases, says,
“The moment I start hating a man I become his slave. He even controls my thoughts, I can’t escape his tyrannical grasp on my minds. When the waiter serves me steak it might as well be stale bread and water. The man I hate will not permit me to enjoy it.” Obviously as Christian men, we don’t or won’t admit that we hate someone. 

A few thoughts on Forgiveness on my Bloom Where You Are Planted Now blog.

At HOME…Alone!.

C.S. Lewis Quotes on Forgiveness

Review your Mission and Vision in life.

Worship Songs Resources for Worship

Over the course of years some of my favorite Worship Songs have been scripture songs from the book of Psalms. Hopefully you also have your list of “Favorites”. Let’s share and encourage one another! Blessings on your journey!

A few Christian worship songs on Forgiveness:

  • Forgiveness by Matthew West. Matthew West describes forgiveness perfectly in this song. Favorite Lyrics. It’s the hardest thing to give away. And the last thing on your mind today.  
  • I’m Not Who I Was by Brandon Heath. How do you deal with the pain that comes from the past? Forgiveness is the answer and Brandon Heath talks about this in this song
  • Losing by Tenth Avenue North. No matter what someone does, forgiveness is always needed, even when a person doesn’t realize how what they did was wrong.

Encouraging others!

We all flourish when we are encouraged.

Best way to be encouraged may be to actively encourage others!

“For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ  Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10

  “The trail is long, and we won’t arrive at our destination in this life. Still, we’re on the journey with Jesus for the greatest thrill of our lives.” Zig Ziglar

Great resource in how we might be an encouragement to each other in this Covit-19  season of our lives. 

Why not start a Zoom meeting with your friends.  Questions after each chapter.

A blog post of how we can join in a team with fellow travelers and encourage others around the world!

Special Page for “Boomers” and “Boomers and Beyond.”

If you are NOT a boomer…keep reading, you may have parents or relatives who are and you can be a help and encouragement for them!

Boomers and Beyond. Special People.

Experiencing Grief in your life? Great Resource, At GriefShare you’ll receive valuable guidance and tips, leading you to relief, comfort, and peace of mind.

Blog Resources. Site is searchable just like Google!

Are you searching for peace? This a good resource Peace with God That you could forward on to friends, neighbors, etc.

Would love to hear your thoughts and comments on my post. Any resources you have found helpful. You know my email. Or can reply at bottom buttons. Blessings Richard

 “The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace.” ’

Numbers 6:24-26 NIV

Beginning of a new day.

Whether you celebrating a birthday, a job change, a work anniversary, retirement, a graduation, a dream you are chasing or just life!

“When the time is right, I the Lord will make it happen.” Isaiah 60.22