Someone once said that if we are doing what we are passionate about…it’s not work! Have you found that "perfect job" that you would love to do? or still searching? Our "work": How important is…
Article by Guest Writer Lauri Lemke Thompson “The ways of right-living people glow with light; the longer they live, the brighter they shine.” (Proverbs 4:18, The Message). By Lauri Lemke Thompson Sunrises fascinate me, probably…
Our shared Linkedin experience my go back 15 or so years or may be relatively new.. Examining our lives. Looking back. All those "events" in our lives... Chance, coincidence or providence? The "good" events we…
Responding to the initial prompting of the Spirit! That's why I am writing this post. February 22nd, Life Principles To Live By, by Charles F. Stanley. "To walk in the Spirit is to obey the…
Still time to drop in to a class and see what it is like! What is God up to? Can I join Him in what He is doing around the world? Is it even possible?…